Friday, 1 January 2016

Welcome 2016

2015 was a challenging yet a very fulfilling year for me. A lot happened - things that made me happy, things that broke my heart. I found warmth in strangest of places and cold where I always expected warmth. I stepped out of my comfort zone and did things I thought I could not do and traveled to places I had not been to. I read some amazing books. I met some old friends and made new. I tried new things. I failed and learned from my mistakes. In one year I understood a very important lesson ... that you must move on. You cannot fully control your circumstances. You have to let go of things no matter how much it hurts to make room for something new. Be ready to give a chance to change. 

For 2016, I want to embrace all the changes in life and learn to let go. Celebrate the successes and learn from failures. Understand that things end sometimes for a reason and sometimes for no reason – learn to accept that not everything has explanation. Before I enter 2016, I have to get rid of the emotional burden and stop looking at closed doors.

Here is my favourite part from Coelho’s viral post:

“Closing cycles. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because that no longer fits your life. Shut the door, change the record, clean the house, and shake off the dust. Stop being who you were, and change into who you are”

December 2015 .... 

Wishing you all a Happy 2016 – May we all find happiness, contentment and love. 


  1. Hi Mehwesh
    Lovely post, I see we really are alike (geminis). I want all that you have written for myself this year, I am so tired of carrying burdens that are not even worth it. Here is to a life changing, faith filled 2016

  2. We all need reminding every now and again. Keep positive and forge ahead!

    1. Thank you for dropping by and I agree we need to remind ourselves again and again... :)
